Natural Jewelry Cleaner DIY
I remember being mesmerized by how sparkly my engagement ring was when I got it (seven years ago now). Over time of course that dies down. I’ve had it resized a couple of times, and both times it came back so beautiful and glittery again. That was years ago as well though, and the sparkle had since faded. I have wanted to just clean it at home, but I was never certain of how to do so safely and effectively. Then I came across this recipe on PopSugar and tried it out. It’s safe for the environment and uses very inexpensive ingredients I’m sure you already have in the house. Here is the recipe for this Natural Jewelry Cleaner.
Natural Jewelry Cleaner
aluminum foil
1/2 tbsp salt
1/2 tbsp baking soda
1/2 tsp dish detergent (I use a natural, environmentally-friendly brand)
1/2 c hot water
Line a small bowl with a square or two of aluminum foil.
Add ingredients in the order they are listed.
When you add the water, the solution should fizz.
Add any pieces of jewelry that you’re cleaning into the solution and soak for 10 minutes.
As you remove each piece, you can gently scrub it with an old toothbrush.
Rinse jewelry and allow to air dry.
This actually creates a pretty cool ion transfer chemical reaction which cleans metals naturally. The aluminum foil and baking soda cause the chemical reaction, and the hot salt water makes the process faster and easier. The addition of dish soap is for extra grease fighting power.
On the PopSugar article, they said they tried this solution out on gold, silver, sterling, diamonds, and other gems with success. Most of my jewelry is just made from nickle and maybe plated in gold, so I cannot attest to all of these. However, I was really impressed with how sparkly my engagement ring diamond and wedding band came out.
How do you keep your jewelry shiny and bright?